Notley Gorge, Northeast Tasmania

Last day in Tasmania. On the boat now, ready to go home. It has been a good couple of weeks.

Today we went to Notley Gorge, north west of Launceston, followed by the Tamar Wetlands area, and then a short catchup with James Melville. Nice collection James!

We had been to Notley Gorge once before, maybe 20+ years ago. That time we saw a Pink Robin. No such luck this time, although we did see a few pademelons (a small wallaby) and there were lots of other birds around. The walk takes a bit under an hour and you drop down and then climb up a fair elevation. Lots of fungi, particularly down at the lower levels where it is true rainforest.

The wetlands area, closer to Launceston, is a flat walk out to Tamar Island. Lots of birds out there, particularly water birds. We saw lots of wrens (probably more than 50 in total - groups of up to 20 or so individuals), but only one bright blue male. Most would have been females and juveniles. Also spotted were a spinebill and a few grey herons.